Our Machines

How does Free on loan work?

Free on loan is very simple, We provide everything, The Vending Machine, the stock and all the maintenance, You don’t have to do or pay anything.  We service and collect the cash from the products sold so your machine becomes self funding.

All our machines are connected live to our backoffice so we know exactly when your vending machine needs refilling, All our machine have contactless payments as standard.


See our range of machines we use below, and if you would like to get a T Vend vending machine in your premises, get in contact with us now!


Combi Pod

Our Snack and Cold Drink Machines are called Combination Pod’s.  Combination Pod’s come in a range of sizes and are able to stock Crisps and snack, Chocolate bars and Cold drink cans and bottles.


Hot Drink Pod

Our hot drink pods come in a range of styles and sizes.

They are able to dispense a range of hot drinks, From freshly ground coffee and Creamy Hot Chocolate to fresh brewed tea and tasty Mocha.

All our Hot Drink Pods come with contactless payment as standard.


Fresh Pod

Our Fresh Pods are able to dispense a wide range of foods, From Sandwiches and rolls, to Ready meals and heat to eat items… It can even vend a fresh fruit!